The PGARC Executive have settled on Field Day at the Salmon Valley Campground. We have a block of campsites on hold until Wednesday June 7th morning if you would like…
Important General Membership Meeting
Hello everyone. The Executive is proposing changes to the structure of the board and as per bylaws we will be voting on the proposed changes at the May 17th meeting….
Quesnel Swap Meet
Quesnel Amateur Radio Operators SocietyAnnual Ham and Vintage Radio Swap Meet Saturday April 29th 2023, from 0900 to 1300 At the Quesnel Legion Hall (262 Kinchant St) Use rear entrance…
Winter Field Day and you :)
Winter Field Day is an opportunity to get out of the house and activate your ham radio. Now technically you don’t have to leave the house, you can stay warm….
Field trip to Fraser Lake
Graig VE7EAP and Sven VA7EBB utilized Sven’s snowmobiles to travel to Fraser Lake site as there was some concern over the door and the lock mechanism. Graig replaced the lock…
Changes to our meeting method
The executive has decided to not have in person meetings at EMBC again until the spring time. So please join us on zoom for the monthly meeting. Meeting details have…
Changes to the Valmount repeater
PGARC’s VALEMOUNT FREQUENCY WAS CHANGED SEPTEMBER 28, 2022. THE NEW FREQUENCIES ARE: REPEATER TX 147.360 – REPEATER RX 147.960 This is the same frequency pair PGARC uses for the Burns…
Repeater relocation
We are in the process of removing the Dstar repeater from UNBC and relocating it to the PG Hospital. This is being done as the hospital can provide data connections…